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Justice . Equality . Trust

AFortiori Legal Counselors është krijuar në vitin 2013 bazuar në përkushtimin, dëshirën, pasionin, eksperiencat dhe njohuritë themelore të avokatëve të zyrës në jurisprudencën shqiptare dhe atë ndërkombëtare. Avokatët kanë një eksperiencë mbi 25 vjeçare që nga viti 2001 e në viiim, në fushat e së drejtës si dhe kanë ushtruar profesionin e juristit në administratë publike, pushtet gjyqësor, organeve të drejtësisë dhe kompani private.


Veçanërisht avokatët janë të specializuar në ligjin material dhe proçedural civil, penal, administrativ dhe tregtar. Studio është ngritur mbi bazën e eksperiencës disavjeçare në legjislacionin e ndërtimit, sipërmarrjes, konçcesioneve, kontratave, taksave, energji, transport, hidrokarbure, mjedisit dhe konsumatorit.

Studio gjithashtu është e specializuar në transaksionet, përthithjet, shkrirjet, falimentin dhe ndarjen e shoqërive tregtare, të drejtën e pronës, uzufruktin dhe servitutet si dhe pastrimin e parave dhe çështjeve të shpifjes e fyerjes.


AFortiori Legal Counselors funksionon si partneritet i dy partnerëve themelues, dhe disa partnerëve të tjerë që i janë bashkuar skuadrës bashkëpunëtore energjike, të talentuar dhe me aftësi të shkëlqyera kreativiteti.

Skuadra e juristëve ofron një gamë të larmishme ekspertize, si folëse në disa gjuhë të huaja, dhe që punojnë pa limite orari, të orientuar në arritjen e suksesit, motivimit dhe punës pa orar.

Skuadra mbështetet në njohuri të thelluara, ndërgjegjësim dhe konsulenca të gjera lidhur me legjislacionin shqiptar, të vendeve të rajonit si dhe të Bashkimit Europian. 


Skuadra këshillon në gjuhët shqip, anglisht, italisht, frëngjisht dhe gjermanisht.

Gjatë viteve, Skuadra e avokatëve të AFortiori Legal Counselors, ka ndjekur mbi 560 kliente, kontrata, proçese gjyqësore, duke treguar vendosmëri, menaxhim të kompleksitetit të çështjeve, angazhim të fortë dhe përgjegjshmëri të lartë. Për ne është e rëndësishme komunikimi i hapur me klientin, ruajtja e parimeve të konfidencialitetit, kredibilitetit dhe dinjitetit të klientit.


AFortiori Legal Counselors përveç sa më sipër, ofron Shërbime konsulence në pronësinë industriale, të regjistrimit dhe mbrojtjes së markave tregtare dhe patentave si dhe licensimit në fushën mediatike.


Avokatet e AFortiori Legal Counselors, kanë marrë pjesë në disa projekte afatgjata në bashkëpunim me shoqëri të ngjashme, administratën publike dhe shoqëri provate në fushën e ndërtimit dhe instrumentet financiare.



AFortiori Legal Counselors funksionon si partneritet i dy avokatëve themelues dhe disa avokatëve të tjerë bashkëpunëtorë energjike, të talentuar dhe me aftësi të shkëlqyera kreativiteti. Skuadra e juristëve ofron një gamë të larmishme ekspertize, me shumë gjuhe të huaja, të orientuar në arritjen e suksesit, motivimit dhe punës pa orar. Skuadra mbështetet në njohuri të thelluar, ndërgjegjësim dhe konsulenca të gjera lidhur me legjislacionin shqiptar, të vendeve të rajonit si dhe të Bashkimit Evropian.

Skuadra këshillon në gjuhët shqip, anglisht, italisht, frëngjisht dhe gjermanisht. Gjate katër viteve, Skuadra e avokatëve të AFortiori Legal Counselors, ka ndjekur rreth 536 klientë, kontrata, procese gjyqësore, duke treguar vendosmëri, menaxhim të kompleksitetit të çështjeve, angazhim të fortë dhe përgjegjshmëri të lartë. Për në është e rëndësishme komunikimi i hapur me klientin, ruajtja e parimeve të konfidencialitetit, kredibilitetit dhe dinjitetit të klientit.

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Primary Practice Areas

Business Law

AFortiori Legal Counselors consults, prepares documents and represents commercial companies in the obligation for registration and terms for such registration; registrations of court decisions and deregistration through a court decision; filings of financial statements; internal organization of NRC electronic portal of NRC data and extracts. Unless it is expressively required to obtain a permission, license or authorization for the commencement of the business, the entities holding a certificate of registration issued by the National Registration Center (hereinafter the “NRC”) have the right to immediately start their activity.  For other mandatory filings, save where the Law provides otherwise, the application for filing should take place within 30 calendar days from the date of the occurrence of the circumstance/event and/or drafting of the act/document that is subject to filing.

The Law also formalizes the procedure which allows NRC to suspend any application if any of the financial statements pertaining to preceding years (i.e. from the creation of the NRC in 2007) has not been filed with NRC and impose a penalty of 15,000 Leke (this is a procedure implemented so far in practice by NRC).

Albanian legislation formalizes a number of subjects which are now designated as specifically being subject to registration with the NRC, such as representative offices of Albanian companies and physical persons who are not entrepreneurs but exercise economic activity or freelance profession. It provides for a new term within which the legal entities should be registered with the NRC i.e. within 30 calendar days (instead of the previous 15 days term) from the date of constitution but in any case, before the effective commencement of the activity. Filing of change of registered seats and opening of secondary addresses should occur within 30 calendar days from the date of the relevant decision, but in any case, before the effective commencement of the activity at that place ofactivity.

The Law No. 9901 on Entrepreneurs and Companies was adopted by the Albanian Parliament on 14 April 2008 and published in the Official Gazette no. 60, pp. 2631 et seq. on 6 May 2008. In accordance with Art. 233, the law entered into force 15 days after its publication in the Official Gazette, i.e. on 21 May 2008. This major piece of legislation introduced a completely new company law, which to a great extent does not continue the existing approach, but rather starts from zero by changing the foundations of company law.

The Law on Consumer Protection no. 9902, date 17.4.2008 (CPA), is the major Albanian act in the field of consumer protection. It has already entered into force.

It is no longer provided for the obligatory passage in ‘inactive status’ in case of failure to file the financial statements and it has been formally included the registration of court decisions, deregistration through court decisions and the relevant procedure (until now, in practice, court decisions have been registered with NRC and deregistration through court decisions has been performed in view of the provisions of the Law no. 9901, dated 14.04.2008 “On Entrepreneurs and Commercial Companies”). The Law provides for a chapter on the electronic portal for accessing NRC. Any individual, after being identified electronically, has the right, in the quality of the applicant or authorized person, to apply or perform through the electronic portal any registration or other action, including administrative appeal procedures. Said process will be further implemented upon a decision of the Minister of EconomicDevelopment, Trade and Undertakings.

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Administrative Law

AFortiori Legal Counselors monitors and facilitates the effective realization of the public function to the service of the persons, and the protection of their legal rights and interests, in the realization of these functions, applying the principle of due process of law. The service aims to a) offer a public administration decision on the rights, duties and legal interest of persons, and in any other case, when the law explicitly provides for the issuance of an administrative act; b) conclude an administrative contract or performs another administrative action, which concerns the rights, duties and legal interests of persons.

Public bodies shall exercise their activity in line with the Constitution of the Republic of Albania, international agreements ratified, and applicable legislation in the Republic of Albania, within the boundaries of their competencies, and in conformity with the purpose why these competencies were granted to them. The lawful rights or interests of one party may not be affected by the administrative action, unless provided by law, and in compliance with the due process of law.

A public organ shall take decisions on all issues raised by one party, which are under its competence. (Decision-making principle)

A public body shall exercise its activity in compliance with the principle of equality. Parties, who are at the same objective situations, shall be treated equally. In specific cases, where a differentiated treatment is made, such treatment should only be justified by the objective characteristics related to the specific case. The public organ shall, during the exercise of its activity, avoid any discrimination on grounds of gender, race, colour, ethnicity, citizenship, language, gender identity, sexual orientation, political, religious or philosophical beliefs, economic, education or social situation, pregnancy, parental belonging, parental responsibility, age, family or marriage situation, civil status, residence, health situation, genetic predispositions, disability, belonging to a special group or any other ground. (Equality and non-discrimination principle)

The administrative procedure shall not be subject to any specific form, unless otherwise provided by law. The administrative proceeding shall be conducted as expeditiously as possible, and no later than the deadline provided for by law for it, with as less costs for the public organ and parties as possible, in order to achieve what is necessary for a lawful outcome. (De-bureaucratization and efficiency principle)

During the exercise of administrative activity, the public organs shall take into consideration and give the right weight to all conditions, data, and evidence related to the administrative procedure. (Objectivity principle)

Public organs and their employees, when carrying out an administrative procedure, shall be held responsible for the damage caused to private parties, in line with the relevant legislation. (Liability principle)

The administrative procedure shall be free of charge, unless the law has provided otherwise. The fee for the conduct of an administrative procedure cannot be greater than the average cost necessary for the conduct of the procedure, unless otherwise explicitly provided by law. The public organ which conducts the procedure shall not seek any payment of fees, even in cases where it is provided by law, if the parties are unable to pay. The categories which are in conditions of inability shall be determined by Decision of the Council of Ministers. (Principle of non-payment in the administrative procedures)

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Civil Law

Ownership is the right to enjoy and possess things freely, within the limits defined by law. The ownership of the components of a thing belongs to the owner of the thing. No one may be expropriated or restricted to the right to exercise the right to property which is equivalent to expropriation, unless this is required in the public interest and always against fair compensation.

The land ownership rights extend to such heights and depths that are useful for the exercise of such ownership, under the conditions defined by law.

The right to ownership and other rights to things are transferable, unless prohibited by law or by the nature of the right itself.

Ownership of property is acquired through manners defined in this Code and other manners defined by specific law.

Methods of acquiring ownership of property are through manners defined in Civil Code and other manners defined by specific law; by contract; by inheritance; A bona fide; in Adverse possession.

Immovable things and facts relating to their legal status are recorded in the real estate registry.

Registration is based on a public act, a decision of a court or other competent state body, as well as in other cases provided by law.

The property damage being indemnified shall consist of the incurred damage and the lost profit.

Indemnified shall also be the expenses incurred reasonably to avoid or to diminish the damage, those being necessary for setting out the liability and the damages, as well as the reasonable expenses incurred to ensure indemnification in extra-judicial proceedings.

An obligation is a legal relationship through which one person (the debtor) is obliged to give something or to perform or not to perform a specific action to the benefit of another person (the creditor), who has also the right to demand to be given something, or the action be performed or not performed.

The person culpably and illegally causing damage to another in person or in rem shall be obliged to indemnify the caused damage.

The person having caused the damage shall not be liable upon proving that he is not culpable.

The damage shall be illegal where ever it emerges out of the breach of impairment of the interests of rights of others, being protected by the legal order or good customs.

The contract is a legal transaction by way thereof one or more parties create, change or end legal relationships.

The parties to the contract dispose freely of its contents, within the limits set out by the legislation in effect.

The contract is of unilateral obligations, as long as one party assumes obligations towards the other party, while the latter having no obligations to the former.

The contract is of bilateral obligations, as long as the parties mutually assume obligations to each-other.

The conditions necessary for the existence of a contract are: consent of a party assuming the obligation, legal grounds whereon the obligation is building, scope making up the contents of the contract and its form required by law.

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 Tax Law & Foreign Investments

The practice lawyers of AFortiori Legal Counselors come from an extensive working experience in the public administration. The Law “On Strategic Investments” no. 55/2015 aims to incentivize and attract strategic foreign and domestic investments, in sectors identified by the Law as strategic ones, by establishing special benefits, facilitating or accelerating administrative procedures to support and serve investors. It determines procedures and rules to be applied by state bodies for the review, approval and support of strategic investments, foreign or domestic ones, as well as services rendered to investors via the “unique window”. The strategic sectors are: (i) energy and mining; (ii) tourism (tourism structures) sector (iii) transport, electronic communication infrastructure, and urban waste sectors; (iv) agriculture (large agricultural farms) and fishing sector; (v) “economic areas” sector; and (vi) priority development areas. The criteria for determining strategic investments is based on the value of the investment. criteria include the timeline of investment implementation; investment productivity and added value; creation of new jobs; sectoral economic priorities; regional and local economic development; development or improvements of conditions or standards for the production of goods or provision of services; offering new technologies to effectively increase competition and investments; increase of the general level of security and citizens’ quality of life; and protection of the environment and consumers.

The Law defines two types of application procedures: “assisted procedure”, in which the public administration follows, coordinates, assists, supervises, and depending on the circumstances, represents the strategic investment during all phases of implementation”; and“special procedure”, in which is given support and special regulations for strategic investments with impact in the economy, employment, industry, technology and/or regional development, with the goal of facilitating and accelerating investments.

AFortiori Legal Counselors consults on the administrative procedures related to strategic investments regarding preparation, implementation, development and realization of a strategic investment project, as well as issuing licenses/permits/authorizations.

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Information & Transparency Law

The public bodies shall exercise the administrative activity in a transparent way and in close cooperation with natural persons and legal entities involved in it. (Transparency principle)

Every person is entitled to ask for public information, which is related to the activity of the public body, without being obliged to explain the motives, in line with the legislation in force governing the right to information. (Information principle) In cases where the requested information is refused, the public organ shall issue a reasoned written decision, which shall contain also instruction on the exercise of the right to appeal, and shall be immediately notified to the parties in the process.

Any public employee as well as any other person who takes part or is called to participate in an administrative procedure, shall be obliged no to disclose information made known to hem/her during an administrative procedure, if it constitutes “state secret”, as per the legislation in force. (Protection of state secret principle)

Participants in an administrative procedure shall have the right to ask for their personal and confidential data to be treated in accordance with the legislation in force. (Protection of confidentiality principle)

The public organ during the lawful and fair processing of personal data, data related to commercial or professional activity, on which it becomes aware during the administrative procedure and which are protected under the legislation on personal data protection in force, shall have the duty to adopt measures on their protection, safeguard, non-disclosure and confidentiality. (Data protection principle) The protection, safeguard, non- disclosure and confidentiality duties, shall extend also to public employees, during and after their stay in office.

The public body shall ensure that all parties and other persons involved in the procedure are able to follow and protect their lawful rights and interests in as much effective and simple way possible. He shall inform the parties on their rights and duties, including all the information concerning the procedure and shall warn them on the legal effects for their actions and omissions. (Principle of providing active help) The public organ shall promote the possibility of the party to access the public authority electronically. This possibility is not linked to any duty of the party to use electronic communication tools.  The pubic organ, conducting the administrative procedure, shall ensure that the ignorance of the party does not lead to a deterioration of the protection of the rights and interests that the party has by law.

Discretion shall be lawfully exercised when it is in line with the following conditions: a) it has been provided by law; b) it does not go beyond the limits of the law; c) the selection of the public body was made only to achieve the objective for which the discretion was allowed, and is in line with the general principles of this Code; and ç) the choice does not constitute an unjustified departure from previous decisions made by the same body in identical or similar cases.

Any administrative action, which, for reasons of protection of the public interest or the rights of others, may restrict an individual right, or may affect his/her legitimate interest, shall be conducted in line with the proportionality principle. An administrative action shall be in line with the principle of proportionality only when such action is: a) necessary to attain the purpose set out in the law, and does so with means and measures that the least affect the rights or legitimate interests of the party; b) suitable to achieve the purpose set out in the law; and c) in right proportion to the need that has dictated it.

In the exercise of its functions, the public organ shall fairly and impartially treat all subjects, with which, it enters into relationship. (Fairness and impartiality principle)

The administrative activity shall be subjected to: a) administrative control, in line with the provisions of this Code, on the legal remedies and legislation in force; b) the court control, in line with the legislation in force; and/ or c)any other control, foreseen in the legislation in force.

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Competition Law

AFortiori Legal Counselors consults, on application of rules “On Abuse with Dominant Position”

Law no. 9121, dated 23.07.2003 “On Protection of Competition” The Competition Authority issued an instruction, which provides for the generalprinciples of assessment of the Authority of (i) dominant position and (ii) abuse with the dominant position. Dominant positionis the position of economical power of certain undertaking(s) in the market, which hinders the effective competition and gives to itthe power to act independently from the competitors, clients and end consumers. The dominant position is assessed based on thefollowing factors: a.   market position of the dominant undertaking and its competitors. Market shares provide a useful first indication forthe Authority of the market structure and of the relative importance of the various undertakings active on the market. Dominance is not likely if theundertaking’s market share is below 40 % in the relevant market. However, there may be specific cases below that threshold where competitors are not in aposition to constrain effectively the conduct of a dominant undertaking, for example where they face serious capacity limitations. b. constraints imposedby the credible threat of future expansion by actual competitors, or entry by potential competitors (expansion and entry). Anundertaking can be deterred from increasing prices if expansion or entry is likely, timely and sufficient. c. constraints imposed by the bargainingpower of the undertaking’s customers (countervailing buyer power). Countervailing buying power may result from the customers’ size or theircommercial significance for the dominant undertaking, and their ability to switch quickly to competing suppliers, to promote new entry or to verticallyintegrate, and to credibly threaten to do so.

Based on convincing evidence, the allegedly abusive conduct is defended against any anti-competitive foreclosure. The term “anti-competitive foreclosure” is used to describe a situation where effective access of actual or potential competitors to supplies or markets is hampered oreliminated as a result of the conduct of the dominant undertaking, whereby the dominant undertaking is likely to be in a position to profitably increaseprices to the detriment of consumers.

The following factors to be generally relevant to such an assessment are: the position of the dominant undertaking; the conditions onthe relevant market; the position of the dominant undertaking’s competitors; the position of the customers or input suppliers;possible evidence of actual foreclosure; direct evidence of any exclusionary strategy.

Furthermore, AFortiori Legal Counselors analyses the exclusionary conduct based on the price, and consults when the conduct may cause competition infringement. In order to determine whether even a hypothetical competitor as efficient as the dominant undertaking would be likely to be foreclosed by the conduct in question, the Authority will examine economic data relating to cost and sales prices, and in particular whether the dominant undertaking is engaging in below-cost pricing. This will require that sufficiently reliable data be available. Where available, the Authority will use information on the costs of the dominant undertaking itself. If reliable information on those costs is not available, the Authority may decide to use the cost data of competitors or other comparable reliable data Objective necessity and efficiencies.

AFortiori Legal Counselors will also examine claims put forward by a dominant undertaking that its conduct is justified. A dominant undertaking may do so either by demonstrating that its conduct is objectively necessary or by demonstrating that its conduct produces substantial efficiencies which outweigh any anticompetitive effects on consumers. In this context, the Authority will assess whether the conduct in question is indispensable and proportionate to the goal allegedly pursued by the dominant undertaking.

Specific forms of abuse are:- Exclusive dealing. A dominant undertaking may try to foreclose its competitors by hindering them from selling to customers through use of exclusive purchasing obligations or rebates, together referred to as exclusive dealing.- Tying/conditioned sale and bundling. ‘Tying’ usually refers to situations where customers that purchase one product (the tying product) are required also to purchase another product from the dominant undertaking (the tied product). Tying can take place on atechnical or contractual basis. ‘Bundling’ usually refers to the way products are offered and priced by the dominant undertaking. In the case of pure bundling the products are only sold jointly in fixed proportions. In the case of mixed bundling, often referred to as a multi-product rebate, the products are also made available separately, but the sum of the prices when sold separately is higher than the bundled price.- Predation. In line with its enforcement priorities, the Authority will generally intervene where there is evidence showing that a dominant undertaking engages in predatory conduct by deliberately incurring losses or foregoing profits in the short term, so as to foreclose or be likely to foreclose one or more of its actual or potential competitors with a view to strengthening or maintaining its market power, thereby causing consumer harm.- Refusal to supply and margin squeeze. The existence of the imposition of an obligation to supply on the dominant undertaking, even for a fair remuneration, may undermine undertakings’ incentives to invest and innovate and, thereby, possibly harm consumers.

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CIVIL ASPECTS OF international child abduction

International child abduction – Some Aspects of convention implementation in Albania

Albania is a small but very resourceful country located in Southeastern Europe, bordering the Adriatic Sea and Ionian Sea. Occupied by Italy before the beginning of World War II and later by Germany, after the WORLD WAR II, Albania emerged under a communist regime until 1990. from 1946 to 1990, the country was isolated under a propaganda that people were not allowed to travel or go abroad because the best country in the world was thereto in Albania.

This caused a huge flow out of the country starting from 1990 up to date. Currently, over 1.4 million Albanian citizens or almost half of the current population of the country are international migrant, mainly to Italy, Greece and to a lesser extent in the USA United Kingdom and Germany[1].

According to the United Nations Population Division[2], an international migrant is someone who has been living for one year or longer in a country other than the one in which he or she was born. This means that many foreign workers and international students are counted as migrants.

Total number of people living in a country in which they were not born, by year

Country 1990 2000 2010 2017
Albania 70,000 80,000 50,000 50,000

International migration has been the most critical issue in Albania and it will remain so although 33 years have passed from the start of post-socialist transition. The said issue has been mainly caused by the country size intensity and economic, politic and social consequences. Altogether these causes have had an impact on family matters and the concept development of the substance of the family. from a big size family where people lived in the same shelter with neighbors mostly, the transition has now brought the division in between of nucleus family members and relatives.

Data show that the international migrants be there in Europe or elsewhere, have maintained the concept of the big family living together in the countries where they have settled. Official data derived from the 2001 and 2011 Population Censuses reveals that over 600 000 persons have migrated from Albania during 1990-2001 and that about 481.000 persons migrated from the country during 2001- 2011. The population of Albanian migrants has also increased in host countries from the natural birth rate especially from early 2000’ due to family reunions and due to the young age of the migrants. [3]

The data presented above ranks Albania as the first place worldwide regarding the dimensions of international migration (as a percentage to current population) and its intensity[4]. The World Bank in one of its yearly publications ‘Migration and Remittances Factbook’[5], places Albania amongst the top emigration countries of the world (the 9th out of 29 top countries).

For over 3 decades, Albanian people have been legally and non-legally internationally migrating mostly in neighbor countries such as Italy and Greece with more than half of million people according to 2021 available data sets on migration and remittances[6]. Among the emigrants only very few have returned permanently in the country.


[1] – 14



[4] idem





Studio mbështetet në specilizimin profesional, trajnimin e vazhdueshëm, punën kërkimore dhe analizuese, si dhe konkurencën e ndershme për të arritur rezultate konkrete. Studio, ndjek një politikë të ashpër Antikorrupsion.

Përdorimi i teknologjisë.

Studio promovon përdorimin e teknologjisë, bashkëpunimit dhe komunikimit sa më pranë nevojës së klientit, krijimin e metodave të strukturuara për arritjen e qëllimeve të përbashkëta të biznesit.

Studio përdor metodat e transparencës në lidhje me përdorimin e kohës në proporcion me shpenzimet e klientit dhe rezultatet e arrira.

Fushat e praktikës

  • Ndërtim, koncesione dhe 3P.

  • Energji, teknologji, elektronikë

  • Veprimtari tregtare të shoqërive: krijimin, bashkimin, ndarjen dhe falimentin

  • Burime natyrore, gaz dhe naftë

  • Instrumente financiare dhe licensim e veprimtari bankare

  • Kredi, ristrukturim kredie dhe kolateral

  • Ristrukturimi biznesit në faliment

  • Taksa, tatime dhe punësim

  • Të drejtat e pronës

  • Kthimi, kompensimi, njohja, pjesëtimi

  • Përfaqësim në gjykatë

  • Detyrime kontraktore, Dëmshpërblim jashtëkontraktor, zgjidhje konflikti

  • pronësi industriale

  • Trademarks, telecommunications & Media

  • Projekte dhe privatizime

  • Negocim, vlerësim dhe procedurë

  • Kontrata dhe detyrime

  • Legjislacioni mjedisit, sipërmarrje, porosi, francizing, shitje

  • Acquis communitaire

  • Procedura Administrative

  • Sektori publik

  • Negociim të kontratateve, tenderave, punëve publike, përgatitja e dokumentacionit tekniko-ligjor dhe lobimi në përfitimin e të drejtave dhe interesave të ligjshme

Your Justice Is Our Priority

Need A Consultant?

Our office is open 24/24 and will consult you immediately upon request. Any question and/or request can be addressed directly.

Primary Practices

primary practice include contracts, media, energy and transport

  • Civil Law
  • Business Law
  • Family Law

Our Partners

Brikena Kasmi

Brikena Kasmi

Corporate Lawyer

Aldor Dhimitri

Aldor Dhimitri

Corporate Lawyer

Altin Kokalari

Altin Kokalari

Corporate Lawyer

Alesia Shala

Alesia Shala


From Our Clients

Nje skuader e mire, kembengulese dhe me prezence. Alteradio shpk.

Një shërbim i ri ka filluar të ofrohet tek ne

Alesia Shala e specializuar në përkthime profesionale të gjuhës frënge. Diplomuar me rezultate të shkëlqyera në Franë, Lion. Aftësia, shpejtësia dhe efikasiteti në përkthime simultane dhe në letër janë vlerat e saj.

“Excellence in its full.”

Valbona B.

“Always secured. Always winning.”

Sokol D.

“Thank you for your advices. Very valuable”

S. shpk

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AFortiori Legal Counselors

A: Rruga Brigada VIII, P.Lid, Kati 5/2, 1019

Tiranë, Albania


E: [email protected]/